Friday, January 10

Growth isn’t found in comfort zones.

Ryan Fisch


3 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing


2-3 sets, not for time, of:

5-7 hip & back extensions

3-5 deadlifts, empty/light barbell

3-5 hang muscle cleans, empty/light barbell

3-5 hang power cleans, 2 secs in the receiving position, empty/light barbell

3-5 shoulder presses, empty/light barbell

3-5 push presses, empty/light barbell

3-5 push jerks, 2 secs in the receiving position, empty/light barbell



For time:

75 Russian Kettlebell Swings, pick load

Rest, then:

Close Grip Bench Press 12-12-12-12

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Rest as needed between sets.

Use a barbell or a pair of dumbbells.

4 sets of 8-12 reps


5 rounds for time of:

12 Deadlifts, 115/75 lbs

9 Hang Power Cleans, 115/75 lbs

6 Push Jerks, 115/75 lbs

Cool Down

Glute Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Trap stretch with lacrosse ball

1-2 minutes per side

Wall Shoulder Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.


Saturday, January 11


Thursday, January 9