Monday, January 6
If doing the opposite of everyone else feels uncomfortable, you’re probably on the right track. Mediocrity never questions itself.
Ryan Fisch
2 minutes of easy biking, jogging or rowing
3 sets, not for time, of:
8-10 air squats, squat therapy style
5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 band pull-aparts
5 scap pull-ups
5 kip swings
5 pull-ups, ring rows, or low-ring muscle-ups
10 wallball
30 seconds of biking, rowing or jogging (try to increase pace set after set)
-60 seconds of rest-
For quality:
Chin Over Bar Hold, 2 mins
Athlete Instructions
Accumulate 1-2 minutes
(Or with Ring rows hold the rings to your chest).
Movement Demos
Superset with:
For quality:
30 Dips or Low Ring Muscle-ups (if you have C2B and Ring Dips)
Athlete Instructions
10-30 reps. Use as little leg as possible.
Movement Demos
As many reps as possible in 4 mins of:
Dumbbell Box Step-up, pick load
Athlete Instructions
You choose box height & loading.
Movement Demos
3 rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters, 75/55 lbs
12 Pull-ups
9/6 Air Bike Calories
Cool Down
Kneeling Lay Back
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Calves & Foam Rolling