Monday, December 30

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

D. H. Lawrence

New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day Schedule

  • These classes will be RSVP-dependent. If there are people signed up, we’ll coach them.

  • Check Zen Planner before coming. If we end up canceling a class, it’s one hour before the session.

  • Hope everyone has an awesome 2025!


3 mins of easy jogging, biking or rowing

-- then -- 

2 rounds, not for time, of:

45 secs of running, biking, or rowing (try to increase pace set after set)

5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if this treats your shoulders better)

5 band pull-aparts

5 scap pull-ups

5 kip swings

10 hollow rocks or sit-ups

30-45 seconds of rest

Strict Pull-Up Program: I’ve noticed there are a couple members working this program. I’ll be sending them a separate document with the program, but won’t be adding to the normal WOD page each day. If you’d like to receive this program for future work, just reach out and I’ll email over to you!


(After WOD)

For quality:

L-Sit Hold, 2 mins

Athlete Instructions

Accumulate 1-2 minutes.

Watch the video for variations and scaling options.

Movement Demos


Accumulate 2-5 min plank hold


10 rounds, each round for time, of:

8 Toes-to-bars (Candlesticks)

12/8 Air Bike Calories

Go every 3 mins.

Athlete Instructions

Other Equipment Conversions

Calorie Conversions: Bike (12/8), Concept 2 Rower (15/10)


Super Fitness Robot time / rounds: 

All toes-to-bar unbroken; 18 secs or less on the bike

More Likely time / rounds: (consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)

All toes-to-bar broken up as needed; 30 secs or less on the bike

Movement Demos

Cool Down

Cobra Stretch - abs

1-2 minutes

Wall Shoulder Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.


Tuesday, December 31


Saturday, December 28