Saturday, December 28

Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.

Earl Nightingale


Individual version:

Buy in:

75 Russian Kettlebell Swings, pick load


  1. 3 rounds of:

Farmer Carry, pick load, 200 ft

2. 3 rounds of:

Front Rack Carry, pick load, 200 ft

3. 3 rounds  of:

15 Air Bike Calories

12 Knees-to-elbows (Hanging Knee Raise)

15 Dumbbell Push Jerks, 50/35 lbs (DB Push Press)

Partner Version:

Buy in:

125 Russian Kettlebell Swings, pick load

Then, 5 rounds of:

  1. Farmer Carry, pick load, 200 ft

2. 5 rounds of:

Front Rack Carry, pick load, 200 ft

3. 5 rounds  of:

15 Air Bike Calories

12 Knees-to-elbows (Hanging Knee Raise)

15 Dumbbell Push Jerks, 50/35 lbs (DB Push Press)

Partners alternate movements on final part. For example, Athlete A does the bike cals, then B does the Knee to Elbow, then C does the DB Push Jerks, and so on.


Monday, December 30


Friday, December 27