Wednesday, December 25
Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store.
Christmas Week Schedule
Closed Dec. 25, 26 (Wed., Thur.)
Check your email for an open gym code you can use this week.
Our friends at Summit have invited any members to their classes this week, and anytime (and we’ve offered the same for our classes to their folks). Their classes are listed on Zen Planner.
1 minute of rowing, biking or jogging (roughly 50% effort)
10 bent-over rows, empty barbell
8 russian kettlebell swings, light load
6 down-ups
1 minute of rowing, biking or jogging (roughly 60% effort)
10 bent-over rows, empty barbell
8 russian kettlebell swings, light load
6 no-jump burpees
1 minute of rowing, biking or jogging (roughly 70% effort)
10 bent-over rows, empty barbell
8 russian kettlebell swings, light load
6 burpees
1 minute of rowing, biking or jogging (roughly 80% effort)
Strength today is the same as Day 11 of the Strict Pull-Up program
• Every 2 min for 10 min: Toes Spot Strict Pull-up + Negative
Negative = 3 secs
vSame piece as performed on Day 3. For today, use even less toe assistance, and
come down even slower on your negative. Also, if you cut down on the reps last time,
consider adding some volume.
• Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row, 4 x 24
4x10-12 L/10-12 R
If able, consider going heavier than you did on Day 3. The volume is higher so you
might not be able to. That’s fine. Just like the rings in your Ring Lat Press Downs on
Day 8, the dumbbell should touch somewhere near your hips. Keep your elbow going
back and up.
*Don’t sacrifice dumbbell height for weight. You should be able to pull the dumbbell
all the weight up until it makes contact with your body.
Death By Row Calorie
With a continuously running clock perform:
1 Row Calorie in the first 1 min
2 Row Calories in the second 1 min
3 Row Calories in the third 1 min
Continuing this for as long as you are able.
Athlete Instructions
Super Fitness Robot time / rounds:
Men- completing the round of 20 or more
Women- completing the round of 15 or more
More Likely time / rounds: (consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)
Men- completing the round of 15 or more
Women- completing the round of 12 or more
No equipment/travel version:
Death By Shuttle Sprint
With a continuously running clock perform:
Shuttle Sprint 10 m in the first 1 min
Shuttle Sprint 10 m + 10 m in the second 1 min
Shuttle Sprint 10 m + 20 m in the third 1 min
Continuing this for as long as you are able.
Athlete Instructions
Super Fitness Robot time / rounds:
Completing the round of 17 or more
More Likely time / rounds:
Completing the round of 12 or more
Cool Down
Frog Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Glute Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.