Tuesday, December 24

A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle.

Khalil Gibran

Christmas Week Schedule

  • Closed Dec. 24, 25, 26 (Tue., Wed., Thur.)

  • Check your email for an open gym code you can use this week.

  • Our friends at Summit have invited any members to their classes this week, and anytime (and we’ve offered the same for our classes to their folks). Their classes are listed on Zen Planner.


2 sets, not for time, of:

2 minutes of jogging, biking or rowing

10 m high knees

10 m butt kicks

10 steps of lunges

5 PVC pass-throughs (feel free to use a light band if this treats your shoulders better)

5-7 strict shoulder presses, empty barbell

5-7 push presses, empty barbell

10 hollow rocks




4 rounds for quality of:

Walking Lunge, 50 m (3 lengths of the gym floor - down/back/down)

Run, 400 m

12 L/12 R Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press, pick load

12 Candlesticks

Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 400m of running with 1200m on the Echo Bike, 500m on the Concept 2 rower, 

Movement Demos

No equipment/Travel version:

4 rounds for quality of:

Walking Lunge, 50 m

Run, 400 m

30 Hand Release Push-ups

12 Candlesticks

Cool Down

Cobra Stretch - abs

1-2 minutes

Chest & Pec, hands behind

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Kneeling Lay Back

Hold 1-2 minutes.


Wednesday, December 25


Monday, December 23