Monday, December 16

Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts.

Nikki Giovanni


  • Had to order a new water machine. Should be in any day. Apologies for not having accessible water last week. Should be back online ASAP!

  • We’re getting closer on the bathroom sink. This should be the week!

  • Our friends at Summit CrossFit have secured a new location and all their necessary permits. Their contractors have started demolition at their new spot. They’ve told me they hope to be in their new space by late January. I’m grateful we’ve been able to share our space with them, and I know they are excited about getting their own space again. We’ll also be excited to get back to our normal as well. Thank you for being positive, patient, and supportive during this time.


2  rounds, not for time of:

2 mins of rowing, biking, or jogging

30 secs fire hyrdrants

10 hip & back extensions

10 squats (squat therapy style)

1x snatch warm-up with empty bar, 45/35 lbs



Kickstand Squats 3x24

Athlete Instructions

3 sets, 8-12 reps per leg. You choose the load.

Movement Demos

Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift 12-12-12-12

Movement Demos

Strict Pull-Up Program (Day 7 of 20) - Outside of class programming/on your own

Kip Drills, 4 x 5

No, you aren’t prepping for a kipping pull-up, but kip drills will still work to strengthen your

lats (and the musculature of the shoulders), as well as improve overall proprioception.

Here you’ll be pressing down into the bar, which should drive your body backwards

as the lats activate (keep your toes against the box at all times). These should be slow

and controlled, and feel very similar to Day 1’s lat press downs.

Banded Pull-up Negatives, 10 x 1

Jump into the top of the pull-up as needed. Remember your top position from Day 6’s

chin over bar holds. Keep your shoulder blades pinched back. Focus on descending

as controlled as possible the entire way through. No specific tempo required. Your

band will determine the difficulty though, so make sure things are challenging. If not

for the first half of the 10 reps, then definitely for the second half.


For time:

30 Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs

20 Front Squats, 135/95 lbs

10 Squat Snatches, 95/65 lbs

Athlete Instructions

For time, or not.

Cool Down

Wall Stretch, Leg

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Glute Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Foam Roller, Back, lats, etc


Tuesday, December 17


Saturday, December 14