Friday, May 13
“A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again; but if he is peaceful, loving and fearless then he is in truth called wise.”
― Dhammapada, The Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha
Rob Shaul, “Stuff I Wish I’d Learned Sooner”
I love this essay, as it’s coming from a guy I really respect as a complete BOSS. To hear that those we sometimes idolize are flawed, regretful, and human, just like us, reminds us that it’s ok to make mistakes. The important piece is to learn from them and allow them to be fuel for self-improvement. Anyway…enjoy.
Strict Pull-up - Skill A:
Ring Lat Press Downs 3x7
These are similar to Day 1's lat press downs. Think of these more as a press down than a pull. When done properly, the rings should touch somewhere between your hips and your rib cage. These are tricky though, so make sure you are using the appropriate difficulty. *Difficulty can be adjusted by moving feet closer to/further from the pull-up bar.
Strict Pull-up - Skill B:
Pause Ring Rows 5x5
These are similar to Day 4's segmented ring rows, only today you don't have to pause at the beginning and we're holding the top for much longer. Initiate your pull with the lats and hold the top of your ring row for a full 5 seconds. Keep your scaps pinched back during your hold just like with previous skill pieces. *These will get challenging. Choose an appropriate difficulty by moving for feet closer to/further from the pull-up bar. If you can't hold for 5 secs, your difficulty level is too high.
Strict Pull-up - Skill C:
Scap Pull-ups 4x10
More scap and lat strengthening! The scap pull-up is going to look and feel very similar to your Active Bar Hangs on Days 2 and 4. Essentially, an Active Bar Hang is one long scap pull-up. Start in a fully relaxed hang position, then contract your lats by pulling down on the bar. When done correctly your bodily will elevate a couple of inches. Your arms should not bend at the elbows.
Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill A:
Top Ring Transitions 3x8
You are working the top part of the muscle-up transition here. Focus on keeping the rings in close to your body.
Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill B:
Strict Chest-to-ring Pull-ups : 1x20
Strict Chest-to-ring Pull-ups 1x20
Accumulate 20 reps We are working on pulling strength here. Think about pressing down on the rings and keep the knuckles in close. Try and get the rings to your sternum each rep.
Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill C:
Hollow Hold 3x 30 secs
Your lower back should be pressed into the floor. There should be no space between your back and the floor. Keep your shoulders off the ground. Focus on breathing and do not hold your breath.
"Sunny & 75"
For time: 75 Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs
Every 3 mins (starting at 0:00) complete: Run, 400 m