Monday, November 25

The only source of knowledge is experience.

Albert Einstein

Thanksgiving Schedule:

Th: 11/28 (Closed)

F 11/29 and Sa 11/30: 1 9:30am Community WOD class


2 minutes of easy rowing, biking or jogging


2 sets, not for time, of:

5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)

5 band pull-aparts

5 scap pull-ups

5 kip swings

5-7 strict pull-ups or ring rows

5-7 knee push-ups or regular push-ups

10 seconds holding the top position of the ring dip (feel free to use two bars or a bench instead)

10 seconds holding the bottom position of the ring dip (feel free to use two bars or a bench instead)


As many reps as possible in 10 mins of:

1 Strict Pull-up (Scale to toe-spot, banded, ring row, bent over row)

1 Strict Dip (Scale to toe-spot, banded, boxes and/or bench dips)

2 Strict Pull-ups

2 Strict Dips

3 Strict Pull-ups

3 Strict Dips


Continue adding 1 Strict Pull-up and 1 Strict Dip rep each round until time expires.

Movement Demos


Death By Burpee

With a continuously running clock perform:

1 Burpee in the first 1 min

2 Burpees in the second 1 min

3 Burpees in the third 1 min


Continuing this for as long as you are able.

Movement Demos

Cool Down

Chest & Pec, hands behind

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Bar hang for lats & chest

Hold 1-2 minutes.


Tuesday, November 26


Saturday, November 23