Wednesday, October 6

We’ve already received lots of great feedback on our Member Survey. THANK YOU to those that have already taken time to complete. It’s awesome. If you haven’t had time yet, please complete the survey HERE. It will be up through the weekend.

Reminder: We’re closed Saturday for Beer City Beatdown.

Also…DOT has begun a project on the Bowen Bridge and will occasionally be using our front parking lot to access the bridge with heavy equipment. This will take a couple of months. It won’t change anything we do, just wanted to make you aware. Please be conscious when working in the front parking lot or heading out on runs!

Check out this article in the most recent Bitter Southerner from PF member Jay Moye!

Pisgah Kids: 3:45p



Gymnastics Strength (18 of 20)


Active Bar Hang 3x 40 secs Rest 1 min between sets.

5 more seconds each set than last time. Press down. Stay hollow. Compare to Day 10's 35 sec sets.

Feet Elevated Ring Rows 4x8 Rest as needed between sets.

4x6-8 reps Hips to rings! Press down and use a higher box for greater difficulty.



False Grip Ring Rows 3x10 Rest as needed between sets.

This drill is focusing on your pulling strength with a false grip. Treat it like a standard ring row but maintain a strong false grip throughout.

Banded Seated (or Toe Spot) Ring Muscle-Up 3xMax Reps (NTE 20 reps)




5 rounds, each round for time, of:

Run, 400 m

12 Strict Pull-ups

24 Push-ups (Incline push-ups)

Go every 5 mins.


Thursday, October 7


Tuesday, October 5