Wednesday, October 13

  • Friday, Ben is headed off to visit colleges with his daughter. Unfortunately, due to multiple staff commitments, we’ll need to make the following changes to the schedule Friday.

    • 5:30a class will happen per usual.

    • 7:30a will be cancelled. We will, however, be able to offer a 6:30a class that day. Hopefully, some of the 7:30 regulars can make that one!

    • There will be no AM Open Gym on Friday.

    • The 12p class will happen per usual.

    • These changes are now active on Zen Planner. Thanks for working with us on this one!

  • BIG THANKS to everyone that filled out the member survey. We had 49 responses, which is a large segment of our community. We’re excited to break down the data and share it back to you very soon, with a plan of how we are looking at the next few months to few years at Pisgah. We’ll also take time to answer some questions posed. In all, it seems the overwhelming majority of you are pleased with where we are and are going. As always, thank you for being members of this community!

Wednesday Programming:


Handstand Practice




Strict Pull-Up Test!

We’re wrapping up our gymnastics strength program. This is a retest from Day 1, way back in early August.

Shoulder Press 4-4-4-4-4

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Rest 2 mins between sets.




3 rounds for time of:

30/20 Row Calories

15 Pull-ups (Rx+: Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, Scaled: Dual DB Bent Over Rows)

10 Handstand Push-ups (Rx+: Strict HSPU, Scaled: Dual DB Shoulder Press)


Thursday, October 14


Tuesday, October 12