Wednesday, May 24

“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” - Voltaire

Gym Happenings 

Hi all,

On Monday, May 29, we’ll hold our annual “Murph” Community WOD event.

This will run just like a Saturday Community WOD class. All are welcome, no charge to non-members. 

We’ll launch heats of Murph, one at 9:30AM, and another at 10AM, to spread people out.

Feel free to bring anything you want to eat, drink, or sit on. 

The Rx version of Murph is a big one, can take folks anywhere from 45-70 min to complete.

There are MANY ways to scale and adjust the workout to best fit your skill level and however you feel like pushing yourself that day. Check with a coach for the best arrangement for you!

Popular versions are below: 

“Murph” (RX)

(w/ a weight vest, in order as written below)

1 mile run

100 pull-ups

200 push-ups

300 squats

1 mile run

Scaling options:

  1. Break up the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats into 20 rounds of 5/10/15.

  2. Cut the reps

    1. “Half-Murph” (1/2 mile run to start, 50 pull-ups, etc.)

    2. “Quarter-Murph” (1/4 mile run to start, 25 pull-ups, etc.)

  3. Scale the movements (ring rows, knee pushups, etc.)

  4. Make it an AMRAP (give yourself a time limit of 20 or 30 min. Go as far as you can, stop at the time chosen)

  5. You’re only limited by your creativity…the point is just to show up, do something hard, leave a little better than yesterday…

Looking forward to seeing everyone then!

- Ben  


Deadlift x 3 EMOTM for 10

*65% ceiling


3 rounds for time: 

10 push jerks 95/135

20 air squats 

400m run 


Clean and jerk variation - 3-5 working sets of 2 @ 65%

Clean deadlift - 3-5 working sets of 2


Thursday, May 25


Tuesday, May 23