Wednesday, February 2
Check out our BIG January Committed Club!! These folks all hit 12 classes or more in January. This list is getting bigger, which is awesome. Keep it up!
Dr. Hingle McCringleberry 27
David Ferrell 22
Ann Thomasson 21
Luke Ferry 21
Flint Roam 18
Kay Kelley 18
Teresa Warstler 17
Jenna Gilman 15
Meg Libby 15
Meghan McAdams 15
Anne Hersman 14
Laura McCreary 14
Makenna Clark 14
Robert Starbuck 14
Chris Hennon 13
Clint Lasher 13
Carl Boland 12
Chris Sanford 12
Jay Moye 12
Lara Brockwell 12
Rhonda Egerton 12
And...we have 5 February birthdays. Happy birthday month to these amazing folks!
Flint Roam 2/13
Sheri Waller 2/21
Sheri Huston 2/26
Luke Ferry 2/27
Jackson Zoeller 2/29 (leap year, of course!)
Group Fitness:
Every 2 mins for 10 mins: Halting Snatch Deadlifts, Hang Snatches, and Snatches
1x [ 1 Halting Snatch Deadlift + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch ], pick load
Every 2 mins for 10 mins.
Pause for 2 secs above the knee on halting, then stand it up, then back down to the same position and hold for 1 full sec before performing the hang snatch, drop the barbell, then immediately reset and snatch from the floor.
FT: Assault Bike Calories, Ground-to-Overheads, Bar Facing Burpees, and 400 m
For time:
40/30 Assault Bike Calories
30 Ground-to-Overheads, 75/55 lbs
20 Bar Facing Burpees
Run, 400 m
20 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Ground-to-Overheads, 75/55 lbs
40/30 Assault Bike Calories