Tuesday, November 30
Announcing the Pisgah Playlist! Working on building a members-built Spotify playlist to play during classes. If you have a Spotify account, go to THIS LINK and add any song you'd like. We'll play the list from time to time during classes and WODs. The rules:
- Each member gets to add one song (for now). What's the one song you're always wanting to hear when the WOD gets rough? Add it in there!
- Please be mindful of content and language. An occasional cuss word...ok...but Rage's "Killing in the Name" wouldn't make the cut. Way too many F bombs!
- Otherwise, I'm excited (I think) to hear what ya'll come up with! Have fun...
- Rebuild option available all day in lieu of WOD (programming below)
- Social this Friday night! Battle of the Boxes 6-9pm.
- XT Strength 5:30pm (programming below)
Strength Rx:
Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:
20 Wall Facing Handstand Marches
4 Wall Walks
6-8 False Grip Ring Pull-ups
8-12 Ring Dips
Strength Scaled:
Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:
10 Scaled Ring Pull-ups
Low Ring Support Hold, 20 secs
30 Box Handstand Marches
Kick-to-Handstands, 40 secs
3 rounds for quality of:
10 Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Squats @4011, pick load
Feet hip-width apart and toes forward, elevate heels 1-2 inches, use a barbell or hold dumbbells at sides and touch the head of the dumbbell to the ground outside the foot.
Rest 45 secs
20 Alternating Kettlebell Front Rack Lunges @2011, pick load
Rest 2 mins
5 rounds, 3 mins each, for max reps of:
Row, 500 m (Bike if you were on rower yesterday)
max reps in remaining time Strict Handstand Push-ups (L-seated DB Press)
Rest 3 mins between each round.
XT Strength:
Shoulder Press 5x5
Snatch Balance 5x5
Broad Jumps (5 min to find 1RM)
KB Carry + Hold, 100 ft x 5, rest as needed
L sit/hang x:15-:20 (EMOM 8)
Tempo Pushups @31X1 – 5x8