Thursday, September 23
Ok…we’ve got our first shirt design knocked out! We’re working with Bonfire to handle our merch. I’ll release more designs as we get them done. We’re starting with a super simple PF Gear Logo design. As you head to the site, you can order this on a shirt, hoodie, tank, etc., with lots of color selections. We’ve not worked with this company before, but a peer gym does and recommends them. Check out the design and site HERE.
Rebuild 5:30 (programming below)
Group Fitness Programming:
3 rounds for quality of:
10 Rower Pike-ups
30 Hollow Body Scissor Kicks
Quadruped Crawl, 50 ft
Rest 2 mins between rounds
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 mins of:
3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (Pull-Up Negatives) (Rx+: Bar Muscle-ups)
6 Deadlifts, 185/125 (Rx+: 225/155 lbs)
9/6 Assault Bike Calories
A1) 10 Rower Pike-ups
A2) 30 Hollow Body Scissor Kicks
A3) Quadruped Crawl, 50 ft
B1) 1 Tempo Back Squat, pick load, 40 secs
B2) 30 Banded Overhead Tricep Extensions Rest 1:30
Tempo Back Squat- 10 secs down, 20 secs bottom, 10 secs up