Sunday, February 27
“Sunday Session” Endurance Community WOD
Athlete Choice:
40-minute Greenway run/jog
40-minute AMRAP weighted (20#) box step-ups (20”)
XT Strength 9a
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
Scaling: Most athletes can do this lifting as prescribed. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes can use this session as an opportunity to drill the movement.
B) 3 Rounds:
Toe taps (to plates) x 20
Depth Jumps x 5
C) Core/Mobility Circuit: 3 Rounds, 1:30 min each station/:20 transition
Couch Stretch (:45/each)
Pigeon (:45/each)
L-Sit/Hang :20 on/:40 off/:20 on
How do plyometrics increase speed? (
Plyometric drills help increase speed because they make runners’ strides more powerful and efficient.
When your foot strikes the ground, it is exerting force. The more force you have hit the ground, the further you are going to propel forward and the less time it will take to apply it again and again.
How do you increase force? By improving your brain and muscle communication aka promoting neuromuscular adaptations. This happens in a couple of ways:
· You increase the number of muscle fibers your body can activate simultaneously.
· You increase your motor unit firing rate.
Will plyometrics make me faster? Yes.
This study found improved running economy after runners did plyometrics, and others find a link between plyometrics and improved 10k and 5k times.