Saturday, September 18
Reminder: Monday night Snatch workshop with Coach Mark 6:30pm
Saturday Schedule: Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a
Rebuild Programming:
A1) Shrimp Squat 4x10 (5/each leg) @3011
A2) Alternating Renegade Rows 4x10 @2020
B1) Kneeling Slasher to Halo 4x10
B2) Shoulder Scarecrow 4x10
If time: Kneeling KB Lift 4x5/each @2020
Community WOD Programming:
For time:
Complete the following with a partner. One working at a time while the other rests. Alternate as needed, but do not share movements:
Partner 1:
50 each of:
Box Jumps (24/20)
KB Swings (53/35)
Ab-Mat Situps
Deadlifts (155/115)
Partner 2:
50 each of:
Overhead Lunges (45/25)
Hand-release Push-Ups
Wallballs (20/14)
Double Unders (100 singles)
Buy-in and Cash-out: 400m partner odd object run. Teams run together, one athlete holding odd object (bumper plate, dball, medball, etc.).