Saturday, September 11

Hey, all. It’s September 11, the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I’ve linked a pretty remarkable, non-political piece of journalism about that awful morning. Click the link, then the .pdf icon to access, if you care to read it.

“The Falling Man” - Tom Junod - Esquire Magazine

I’m grateful that we’re in Asheville together and we have this gym community. We have the opportunity, and responsibility, to create something positive and powerful each class, each day. This is how we change the world! Hopefully, we live today in a way that honors those that lost their lives that morning.

So, here we go…today:

Rebuild 8:30, Community WOD 9:30

ReBuild Programming:

A1) Dual KB Hollow Flutter Kicks 3x:33

A2) Dual KB Cross Body Carry 3x50m

B1) SA DB Torso Row 3x6-8/each

B2) DB Overhead Tricep Ext 3x10-12

If Time: Side Planks 3x:30/each

Community WOD Programming:

Beer City Beatdown - WOD3

3-person teams

4 Rounds for time

Team 400m run (all members together)

50 Front Squat (135/95)

40/30 Row Cal

  • One athlete working on front squats, another on rower. Teams can rotate athletes on/off any movement at any time.



7 C2B Pull-Ups (Pull-Ups to Ring Row)

7 HSPU (Shoulder to Overhead 115/65)

7 Hang Clean 155/105 (115/65)

Max Cal Bike

  • One athlete will complete a round while another is on bike. Athlete must complete the pull-ups/HSPU/Hang Clean round before rotating off. Teams will have 2 scores, a score for reps completed in the AMRAP and another for bike calories. Teams can rotate on the bike as often as they’d like.


Sunday, September 12


Friday, September 10