Saturday, Oct 29
“I have one power. I will never give up.” - The Dark Knight
Gym Happenings
Women’s Only Class, Sunday 9:30!
Thank you so much for doing the survey, we had a huge turnout, with tons of useful feedback. speaking of….
Big post coming tomorrow!
A) 7 Rounds with Increasing effort on each set
15m Sled Push
15m Reverse Sled Drag
8-10 KB Rack Cyclist 20kg/12kg
8-10 Gorilla Row 20kg/12kg
KB Rack Carry 20m each round 20kg/12kg
C) 3 Sets
Box Elevated Pistol Squats (plate loaded or bodyweight or assisted) - 4 reps/leg 31X1 Tempo
rest 45sec
Cable or Banded Face Pulls - 10-12reps 30X1 Tempo
rest 45sec
Can be done as partners (any split), or individually.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 40 mins of:
Kettlebell Farmers Carry Walking Lunge, 32/24 kg, 60 ft
Run, 400 m
10 Strict Pull-ups
Kettlebell Farmers Carry Walking Lunge, 32/24 kg, 60 ft