Saturday, Oct 1
“A good artist lets his intuition lead him wherever it wants.” - Lao Tzu
14-20 SA KB Z Press (7-10/each) @3111
14-20 (7-10/each) Dbl KB Front Rack Cossack Squat @3111
100’ Dbl KB Front Rack Carry
16-20 Glute Bridge SA Press @31X1
KB Hollow Body Flutter Kick (accumulate :45)
16-20 Crossbody RDL (single KB) @3111
Side Plank ::45/each side
Community WOD
Buy In: 100 Partner Med Ball Sit-Up
Not to exceed 5:00. At 5:00 mark, teams will begin:
AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) for 20 minutes.
Partner A runs for 400 meters while Partner B does an AMRAP of:
20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Box Jumps
When Partner A returns, Partner B does the run while Partner A does the swings and box jumps.
At 25:00 mark, teams will begin
Cash Out: 60 burpees (alternating. Partner A does a rep, then B does one, etc…)