Tuesday, February 18

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.

Rabindranath Tagore


  • We’ve begun moving to our new member management app, Push Press. You should have received an email from them with info on how to download the app. Your membership info is pre-loaded, though it will (should) ask you to enter payment info again and complete the waiver. I’m sure it will take us some time to get our footing with a new system. If you ever can’t get registered for a class, just come anyway until we get everything ironed out! Thanks for your patience as we make this change, which should improve some functionality and save the gym some money each month. You can download the member app HERE.

  • When we start Push Press, know I’ve merged all Open Gym, 3x/Week, and Unlimited memberships into 1 Unlimited Access membership. I want all of our athletes to be able to come to the space, either for open gym or classes, when they are able. All previous membership rates are being carried over.

  • Your rate should still reflect your usage, so if you find you are using the space more (or less), please reach out, and we can adjust your rate accordingly.

  • To request access to Open Gym, send Ben a 4-digit code that you can use on the door keypad.

  • 10-class punch cards have carried over and are not affected by the switch.

  • We’re using Zen Planner for RSVPs and billing for this last week. Our first Push Press day will be Saturday, February 22.

  • Saturday Community WOD: Big Fish Foundation Community Challenge. Workout is scalable and approachable for athletes of all levels and abilities. Bring it!


3 mins of easy jogging, biking, or rowing

-- then -- 

3 rounds, not for time of:

20 secs of banded steps forward and backward

10-15 m high knees

10-15 m butt kicks

10 lateral lunges (5 per leg, alternating)

100 m run (increase speed each round)

1 min of rest


(After WOD, if time, 3 RFQ or until class ends)

Side Plank L Accumulate 1:00

Side Plank R Accumulate 1:00

Farmer Carry, 100ft (or to failure)


Each for time:

Run: 3x 1 mi

Rest as needed between efforts.

Sub: Row 2000m, Bike 4800m

Cool Down

Frog Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Calves & Foam Rolling


Wednesday, February 19


Monday, February 17