Monday, January 20
"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
MLK Holiday Schedule
Normal schedule. Classes will run if athletes sign-up. Check Zen Planner within 1 hour of class time to verify class is happening.
Other news:
The Craven Street bridge has re-opened!
Not for time:
1 minute of rowing, jogging or biking, roughly 50% effort
5 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 Band Pull-aparts
8 Bench presses, empty barbell (or floor presses)
(Before WOD)
15 min to find your best Bench Press 1 rep max lift.
(After WOD)
Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension 12-12-12-12
4 rounds for time of:
Row, 500 m
12 Bench Press, 60% 1RM
Athlete Instructions
Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 500 m of rowing with 400m of running, 1200m on the Echo Bike, Assault Echo bike
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Glute Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.
Pec stretch, laying on side.
1-2 minutes per side.