Monday, September 27
Hi all,
Hope you enjoyed the incredible weather this weekend! Thanks to Coach Jacob for holding it down this weekend while Hayette and I made it official...We enjoyed a beautiful wedding in Hot Springs and it was amazing to have members of the Pisgah community there. Our space and community mean the world to us. It's where we met, and remains one of the best things in our lives, thanks to all of you.
Ok, this week!
First...Mark's Monday night skill sessions are back with a clean and jerk workshop at 6:30pm. Hope you can make it! All levels welcome. Sign-up on the website or app.
Pisgah Kids: 3:45pm (did you know we have a max'd out class of TWELVE Pisgah Kids getting better twice a week! We really have an amazing group of kids working hard each day. I'll try and grab some pics to share...).
Group Fitness Programming:
Handstand Kick-Up/Wall Walk/Freestanding HS
Every 2:00 for 14 min.
7 Kneeling Squat Jumps (Squat Jumps)
10 rounds, each for time, of:
350/300m Row (Bike 700/600m)
3 Wall Walks
Go every 2:00.
Shoulders and Quads