Monday, September 20
First, I want to officially welcome Jacob DeRossett to the Pisgah coaching staff. Jacob holds a CrossFit Level 2 coaching certificate, is a former affiliate owner, and has multiple years worth of CrossFit coaching background. He also has done personal training, virtual coaching, and currently specializes in kettlebell training and coaching. Jacob shadowed and led multiple classes over the last couple weeks, and comes highly recommended from former Pisgah co-owner Derrick Mason, and others. Jacob is on the schedule to lead classes on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and will lead all the sessions this weekend. Please make Jacob feel welcome as we integrate him into our community. Welcome, Coach Jacob!
Final reminder about Coach Mark’s snatch clinic happening Monday night, 6:30. All levels welcome and encouraged to attend! Please RSVP on the site or app to let Mark best prepare for the session. Thanks!
Found this great slow-motion clean and jerk video I wanted to share. We’ll be doing plenty of cleans this week! Slow-Motion Clean and Jerk
We’re starting the week with a 5RM Back Squat test and an old-school CrossFit benchmark that we do a couple times/year….”Helen.” Two solid opportunities to see where we are, progress we have made, and learn more about what we can focus on moving forward.
Pisgah Kids: 3:45pm
Group Fitness Programming:
Skill: Squat Therapy/Remediation (bodyweight first, then back squat)
Back Squat 15min to find 5RM
3 rounds for time of:
Run, 400 m
21 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
12 Pull-ups
Mobility: Quads/Lower Half