Monday, October 18

Pisgah Kids: 3:45pm

Clean & Jerk Skill Session: 6:30pm (w/ Coach Ben)

Fundamentals: Begins Mon., Nov. 1

Internship: Details and link to application HERE

Attendance last week: 176 (our PR: 221)

New Pisgah member Ali Dolan works for Asheville Parks & Rec and wanted to share a cool volunteer opportunity. Take a look!

Want to help out your community while having fun?

Volunteer at the Haunted Castle on the Hill!!!

What: Haunted Castle on the Hill
Where: Stephens-Lee Community Center
30 George Washington Carver Ave.
When: October 29 - 3 - 10PM
October 30 - 5 - 10PM
Contact: Alic Wynn - 828-234-0227

Volunteers (15 years of age or older) for this event will help with the final stages of setting up for the haunted castle on the hill at Stephens-Lee Community Center, as well as be part of the Scare Crew. We provide costumes, make-up, and props to help you get into character!

Group Fitness Programming:

Skill: Rope Climb practice



Overhead Squat 8-8-6-6-4-4



5 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps of:

Rope Climb (Rope Lowers)

Dumbbell Clean, 50/35 lbs (Rx+: 70/50)

Row Calorie

Rest 1 min


Tuesday, October 19


Sunday, October 17