Monday, November 8

Congrats to those that participated in Friday’s Battle of the Boxes event! You rep’d Pisgah and made us proud! Great to see people integrating with the community and pushing themselves. You were inspiring. Special shout out to our own Coach Mark for helping organize the series and planning and logistics.

We’re hosting on Friday, December 3. Check out details, and feel free to go ahead and register (for free), on our new Events page on our website. Facebook event page HERE. This is also a paleo potluck and Pisgah community gathering, so even if you’re not planning on doing the WOD, we hope you’ll come and hang out!

Schedule Changes:

  • Tue 12pm and Thur 5:30pm Rebuild Classes are now listed in ZP as Group Fitness. HOWEVER, on those days I will continue to program a Rebuild strength portion. Athletes that prefer a second Rebuild-y strength portion can simply choose to work on that in place of the WOD/conditioning. This actually increases access to Rebuild programming on those days (athletes can choose the Rebuild strength option in any class offered that day) and simultaneously increases access to Group Fitness for athletes that would prefer some conditioning. We’re going to try it for a week or two to make sure it’s manageable for the coaches, but I think it should work well. Let me know what you think!

  • We’re keeping our Saturday morning Rebuild as is, allowing for a strength-only session prior to the Community WOD for those that like to get both in.

  • Since we’re offering a combined Rebuild/WOD option on Thursdays and have renamed the 5:30pm as Group Fitness, I’ve dropped the 4:30 Group Fitness class.

  • We’ve added a 5:30 Group Fitness option back to Fridays, based on survey feedback.


Tim and Laura with Mute Sports will be at Pisgah Fitness on Monday, November 8th.

They will be teaching a FREE jump rope clinic for the first 20 minutes of each class time.

They have over 45 test jump ropes to use for the clinic and can help size you for your own custom jump rope.

Mute Sports custom ropes are built on-site that day. They also have heavy Bull and Calf jump ropes, adaptive Split Ropes™, liquid chalk, block chalk, apparel, battle ropes, climbing ropes, and more!

Learn more at!

Foundations (Pulls): 6:30pm (programming below)

Pisgah Kids: 3:30 (open gym) 3:45 (class)

Group Fitness:

Warm-Up & Skill:

Jump Rope session with Mute Sports!




1x [ 1 Power Clean + 1 Jerk + 1 Clean & Jerk], pick load

Every 2:30 for 20 mins.

Build to today’s heavy complex.




3 rounds for max reps of:

Row Calories, 1:30

Thrusters, 95/65 lbs, 30 secs

Rest 2 mins



Deadlift (single KB then bar, then double kb) 

SDHP (single KB then bar) 




3x5 Deadlift 



30/25 Calorie Row 

20 Deadlift 

20 Burpee 

20 Deadlift 

30/25 Calorie Row 


Tuesday, November 9


Sunday, November 7