Monday, June 20

“People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything.” - Thomas Sowell


  • Saturday morning at Community WOD, we’ll be doing a special partner WOD. “Eva Strong” honors the sacrifice of Eva Mireles, a teacher and enthusiastic CrossFitter, who died alongside her students last month in Uvalde, TX. No speeches here…we work to keep Pisgah Fitness non-political, but we do hero WODs in our community to honor individuals that have sacrificed themselves for the rest of us, to take something incredibly sad and negative and use it as a positive. We’ll honor Ms. Mireles on Saturday and celebrate her by working out and striving to be better than yesterday.

  • We’re finishing up our pull-up/muscle-up program this week! We’ve already seen some first-time muscle-ups and some great pull-up progress with some of our athletes, which is exciting. We’ll hit them today and finish up and re-test on Thursday of this week.

  • Friday 5:30pm represented last week with a big turnout! That’s awesome. It stays on the calendar!

  • Also, heard lots of great feedback on Coach Jacob’s “Strength Focus” class. That’s also staying on the schedule on Thursdays 4:30pm.

  • Ok…have an awesome week!


Pull-Up/Muscle-Up Day 19 of 20

Strict Pull-up - Skill A:

Every 2 mins for 10 mins: Toe Spot Strict Pull-up + Negatives

5 Toe Spot Strict Pull-up + Negatives Every 2 mins for 10 mins.

Negative = 3 secs Your final pull-ups before your strict pull-up retest on Day 20. Initiate each pull with your lats and hold the top for 1 sec each. If not already scheduled, consider taking a rest day tomorrow before attempting your strict pull-up retest.

Strict Pull-up - Skill B:

Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row : 24-24-24-24

Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row 24-24-24-24

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

4x10-12 L/10-12 R

Same reps as Day 11. Increase the load if possible. Your goal is to make contact with the dumbbell between your rib cage and hip. Squeeze the shoulder blade at the top of the pull. Bonus points if you can hold the DB at the top of the pull for 1 sec each time.


Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill A:

Banded Single Arm Lat Pull Downs : 3x20

Banded Single Arm Lat Pull Downs 3x20 Rest as needed between sets.

3x10 L/10 R Use a lighter band for these today and focus on really driving the elbow down. Rib cage stays down and brace tight throughout.

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill B:

Toe Spot Ring Muscle-ups : 3x3

Toe Spot Ring Muscle-ups 3x3 Rest as needed between sets.

We are working through less reps with the goal of using as Keep your eyes forward and rib cage down.



100 rounds for time (30:00 cap) of:

3 Kettlebell Swings, pick load

2 Goblet Squats, pick load

1 L/1 R Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press, pick load

Athlete Instructions

Complete in teams of 2. The kettlebell cannot touch the floor at any point during the workout. The partner who hands off the kettlebell must immediately run 1 post run before he or she may receive it back from his or her partner.


Tuesday, June 21


Sunday, June 19