Monday, July 26
Today we celebrate Coach Dana’s birthday yesterday! We appreciate all that you give to so many. Your positivity and energy make all of our days brighter. Thanks for being a model friend, Dad, community member, farmer, businessman, and global citizen!
In honor of Dana, I’ve adjusted an old favorite (FIght Gone Bad), to include a collection of his favorite movements. We’ve titled the WOD “I Know You Rider” after a song by Dana’s favorite band, The Grateful Dead. If you don’t like the WOD, it’s on him. Love you, Dana! Enjoy!
1 lap jog
2 Rounds: 10 PVC Pass/10 Scor/10 Star
1 lap jog
2 Rounds: 10 PVC Good Morning/5 Inchworm
1 lap jog
Foam Roller
Muscle-Up & Kip Work
3 Rounds (1:00 each station – AMRAP – Score is cumulative reps through entire workout)
Deadlift (185/125)
Strict Pull-Up (Barbell Row)
Box Jump 24/20 (Jump to plate)
Hand-Release Push-Up
Assault Bike Cals
Forearm (1 min)
Hips (3 min)