Monday, July 25
The wolf on the hill is not as hungry as a wolf climbing the hill.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Class Announcement:
Sunday’s 9AM XT Strength class will be moving to MONDAY 4:30 PM, allowing athletes a 4:30/5:30 combo (or an earlier afternoon class time). This will start Monday, August 1.
AND….2 long WODs this week (Mon and Wed), 1 super short one (Tue), a variation on a CrossFit classic (Thur), and something a little more normal on Friday. Going to be an awesome week!
Handstand Push-Ups
3x Max Rep/Hold
Strict Handstand Push-up OR
Handstand Hold OR
Wall Plank Hold
25 min AMRAP
20/16 Cal Bike
12 Pull-Ups
6 Strict Ring Dips
1:00 sec rest after each set