Monday, December 27
Monday Night Skill Session (w/ Coach Mark): Olympic Lifting
For quality:
Ring Muscle-up or Ring Support Hold Progressions
L-Sit Progressions
Handstand Hold Progressions
Take 15 mins to rotate through, practicing the 3 gymnastics movements.
2 rounds, 1:30 per station, for max reps of:
Assault Bike Calorie
Rest 30 secs
Strict Handstand Push-up (Seated DB Z Press)
Rest 30 secs
Row Calories
Rest 30 secs
Ring Dip (Stationary Dip)
Rest 30 secs
Every 1 min for 6 mins, alternating between:
10 Supine Ring Rows @2111
Prone Plank Hold, 45 secs