Monday, December 13
“12 Days of Christmas” WOD this Saturday during Community WOD! Everyone welcome.
Christmas Hours:
Fri., 12/24: 9am and 12p class
Sat., 12/25: Closed
Sun., 12/26: Normal 9a XT Strength class
As always, it will be super important for you to RSVP for classes during the week of Christmas and New Year’s. We’re happy to be open and keep classes rolling, but we may have many out of town traveling and I won’t ask a coach to drive up to the gym for classes with no RSVP’s. Use your Zen Planner app to let us know you’re coming and we’ll be stoked to meet you there!
Below is a blurb from the folks at Outside Magazine, reminding us of something we need to keep hearing…the power of community.
“By now you’ve probably noticed that I have a few little sayings to help remember the important elements to a healthy lifestyle. I’ve got another one: if you can help it, don’t go at it alone.
Studies show that everything including your body weight, fitness level, and whether you smoke is heavily determined by the people around you. One study found that up to 70 percent of your fitness may be explained by the people you train with. Other research shows that if you work with people who are internally driven, you’re more likely to end up the same way. Motivation is contagious.
Accountability is also bolstered by community. If you’ve made a commitment to another person or group, you’re more likely to stick with it. And if you don’t show up, you’ll usually still get a pat on the back and some love. That’s because everyone else in your community is undertaking the same challenge and knows just how hard it is. They get it. It’s a one-two punch: community keeps you from falling, and if you do fall, it picks you up.”
Pisgah Kids: 3:30 (open gym), 3:45 (class)
Group Fitness:
Rope Climb and Double Under Practice
Shoulder Press 5x5
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of:
5 Burpees
1 Rope Climb, 15 ft (3 Rope Lowers)
30 Double Unders
Scaling: Athletes newer to the program should reduce the overall time of this workout and shoot to complete 5-7 rounds.