Wednesday, October 23

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

Will Rogers


2 minutes of jogging, biking or rowing


2 rounds, not for time, of:

20 seconds of lateral banded steps

:45 scorpion and :45 scarecrow

5-7 shoulder press, empty barbell

5-7 bent over rows, empty barbell

100 mt run, increase acceleration each time

60 seconds rest


10 minutes of:

Inversion skill work/practice

  • Handstand hold

  • Handstand descents

  • Wall Walks

  • Box HS Pushups

  • Handstand Pushups

  • Overhead Db/KB Holds



For time:

Run, 1 mi (L on Riverside to roundabout and back. Be careful! There is debris on sidewalks here and there.)

Row, 2000 m

Run, 1 mi

U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on Oct. 15, 2008, during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training. He was assigned to Army USSOCOM, and was preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. 

He is survived by his wife, Molly; and sons, Chad, Cody, Chase and Connor.

Athlete Instructions

For time, or not.

Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 1 mile of running (or 2000m row) with 4800m on the Bike.


Super Fitness Robot time / rounds: 

Men- 22:26 or less

Women- 25:27 or less

More Likely time / rounds: (consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)

Men- 26:37

Women- 30:27

Cool Down

Kneeling Lay Back

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Glute Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.


Thursday, October 24


Tuesday, October 22