Friday, October 18

“Research consistently shows that tougher individuals are able to perceive stressful situations as challenges instead of threats. A challenge is something that’s difficult, but manageable. On the other hand, a threat is something we’re just trying to survive, to get through. This difference in appraisals isn’t because of an unshakable confidence or because tougher individuals downplay the difficulty. Rather, those who can see situations as a challenge developed the ability to quickly and accurately assess the situation and their ability to cope with it.”

Steve Magness, Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness

  • Gym Update

    • Our new "Do Hard Things" t-shirts are in! I'll try and get them to folks that pre-ordered and paid, then we can sell any extras that folks want. 

    • We are tearing out and replacing the sheetrock and in the front coffee room and both bathrooms. Please pardon that construction and please be very careful coming in and out of the space. 

    • Starting this Saturday, I want to let you all know that I've offered Pisgah Fitness' space to our friends at Summit CrossFit as a place they can gather, hold classes, and keep their community going while they regroup. As you all surely know, Summit was completely destroyed by the flood and we're hopeful Pisgah can be a space where the Summit family can do some workouts and get their people back together while they make their future plans. I've added their class schedule to Zen Planner and you'll see Summit athletes and coaches around the space as they have requested class times that are next to some of ours. I'd ask that we allow those times to be protected for their coaches and athletes, (don't plan your open gym session when Summit is holding class, please!) but please welcome them and help them feel at home during this difficult time. Your continued support of Pisgah and our community is allowing us to offer our space to Summit at no charge to them. I can't imagine the expenses and stress they are dealing with, so I'm proud and honored that we can be a small support. Thanks for understanding and being a part of the CrossFit community. This is what we do!!

    • I will turn memberships back on and remove all holds this coming Monday, October 21. We will probably not have the rubber floors done (as I write this, we’re still working to save the old ones to have to keep from buying new ones, but may just have to buy a new floor. Saving money on the floors will allow us to spend money on bikes, barbells, other gear we need). I feel good about where the gym will be by the end of this week to go back to charging members. If you want to request a longer hold after that date, please let me know.

    • Our NORMAL CLASS SCHEDULE STARTS BACK ON MONDAY!  (10/21) Just like before the storm. All RSVP's can be done through ZP starting then. 

    • Community Workday #2: The next opportunity for folks to help out will be this coming Saturday, October 19. We’ll work for one hour after the 9:30 community wod. So, 9:30 workout. 10:30-11:30 work session. Hard stop at 11:30 for those that want to help out. This will be basic cleaning, clearing brush, maybe lots of floor work (gloves, boots, grungy clothes needed). We need backpack blowers, cleaning supplies, mops, mop buckets, a couple tarps, beer and non-alcoholic drinks?. We've got one pressure washer coming (thanks, Seth!). 

Friday Class Schedule

7:30 AM and 4:30 PM

Saturday 9:30AM Community WOD

  • Please RSVP on Zen Planner (if you’ve requested your membership hold to be removed, you can do this)

  • Text/email Ben at 828.772.7115 -


Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Rest as needed between sets.

Movement Demos

Skill/Strength (Superset)

For quality: 40 L/40 R Pistols

Athlete Instructions

20-40 reps/side,

Movement Demos

For quality:

L-Sit, 2 mins

Movement Demos

Cool Down

Wall Stretch, Leg Hold

1-2 minutes per side.

Glute Stretch Hold

1-2 minutes per side.

No Equipment” WOD

For time:

Plank Hold, 2 mins

Walking Lunge, 200 m

Plank Hold, 2 mins

Athlete Instructions

For time, or not.

Movement Demos


Saturday, October 19


Thursday, October 17