Tuesday, October 15

“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.”

CrossFit Nutrition Recommendation

No classes at Pisgah today. Open Gym is good to go, provided folks heed the adjustments mentioned in Sunday’s community email. Today’s no equipment WOD is below.

I’m excited to start adding nutrition information and support to our information and discussions. I tell people, and firmly believe, nutrition is a skill. It takes time to get good at and requires practice. I’ve struggled mightily with hitting my nutrition goals, but I’m committed to keep working at it.

I’m not a nutritionist, but in my many years of supporting athletes at Pisgah, and before that as a collegiate athlete and high school coach, I’ve seen many diets and fads come and go. What has consistently been effective (in my experience) in getting people leaner and healthier among people of all walks of life and body types and lifestyles, is a low-carb diet based on whole, natural foods. Moving forward, you’ll see more nutrition info and resources integrated into our communications and conversations. Keep or toss. Eat what you feel you need, but I’m looking forward to sharing this with you.

To get us started, HERE is CrossFit’s official diet recommendation. These are the same two sentences that I learned back when I found CrossFit. In my experience, this is great direction and advice on what we should be eating.

No Equipment” WOD

10 rounds for quality of:

10 Broad Jumps

12 Hollow Rocks

Walking Lunge, 20 m


Wednesday, October 16


Monday, October 14