Wednesday, December 18

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr

Christmas Week Schedule

  • Closed Dec. 24, 25, 26 (Tue., Wed., Thur.)

  • We’ll send out an open gym code for members to access the space if they’d like.

  • We’ll also post some bodyweight workouts you can do from home or if you’re traveling.


3 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing


3 sets, not for time, of:

15 m of high knees

15 m of butt kicks

20-30 seconds of lateral banded steps

10 steps of walking lunges

100 m run (increase pace each set)

60 secs of rest


For time:

100 Double Unders

80 Double Unders

60 Double Unders

40 Double Unders

20 Double Unders

Athlete Instructions

Can also be 5:00 of double under or jump rope skill work.

Extra challenge: Each set must be unbroken. If you fail, restart from the current set. 

Rest as needed between sets. Score is time.

Movement Demos

Then, superset of:

Landmine Twist 12-12-12

Movement Demos

For quality:

Side Plank, L 3 mins/R 3 mins

Athlete Instructions

Accumulate 1-3 minutes per side.

Movement Demos

Strict Pull-Up Program (Day 8 of 20) - Outside of class programming/on your own

Ring Lat Press Down, 3 x 7

3x5-7 reps

These are similar to Day 1’s lat press downs. Think of these more as a press down

than a pull. When done properly, the rings should touch somewhere between your

hips and your rib cage. These are tricky though, so make sure you are using the

appropriate difficulty.

*Difficulty can be adjusted by moving feet closer to/further from the pull-up bar.

Pause Ring Row, 5 x 5

These are similar to Day 4’s segmented ring rows, only today you don’t have to pause

at the beginning and we’re holding the top for much longer. Initiate your pull with the

lats, and hold the top of your ring row for a full 5 seconds. Keep your scaps pinched

back during your hold just like with previous skill pieces.

*These will get challenging. Choose an appropriate difficulty by moving for feet closer

to/further from the pull-up bar. If you can’t hold for 5 secs, your difficulty level is too high.

Scap Pull-up, 4 x 10

More scap and lat strengthening! The scap pull-up is going to look and feel very

similar to your Active Bar Hangs on Days 2 and 4. Essentially, an Active Bar Hang is

one long scap pull-up.

Start in a fully relaxed hang position, then contract your lats by pulling down on the

bar. When done correctly


Each for time:

Run: 5x 50 m (Post Run)

Run: 3x 400 m

Run: 1x 800 m

Rest as needed between efforts.

Athlete Instructions

Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 50m of running with 150m on the Echo Bike, Assault Echo bike, 65m on the Concept 2 rower

Replace each 400m of running with 1200m on the Echo Bike, Assault Echo bike, 500m on the Concept 2 rower,

Replace 800m of running with 2400m on the Echo Bike, Assault Echo bike 1000m on the Concept 2 rower.


(consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)

50 m sprints- 0:10 or less

400 m runs- 2:00 or less

800 m run- 4:00 or less

Cool Down

Frog Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes.

Calves & Foam Rolling


Thursday, December 19


Tuesday, December 17