Friday, October 8

Member Survey HERE

We’re closed tomorrow for Beer City Beatdown. Good luck Grant and Leanna!

Sunday schedule is changing a little. We’re dropping the Open Gym on Sundays and will just have XT Strength at 9a.

New Merch! THIS is a reprint of a classic shirt from our CrossFit Pisgah days. We’ll be bringing back more of the old-school designs in the coming days. Deadheads unite!

Group Fitness Programming:

Warm-Up/Skill A: Row Fundamentals/Review

Skill B: Back Squat



Back Squat 1x5 at 70% 1RM

Back Squat 1x3 at 80% 1RM

Back Squat 1x1 at 90% 1RM

Back Squat 1x3 at 85% 1RM

Back Squat 1x5 at 80% 1RM

Back Squat 1x8 at 75% 1RM

Complete sets every 2:30 for 15 mins.




For time:

40 Row Calories (Rx+: 50)

40 Wall Balls, pick load (Rx+: 50)

40 Toes-to-bars (Rx+:50)

40 Wall Balls, pick load (Rx+: 50)

40 Row Calories (Rx+: 50)

Mobility: Quads/Hamstrings


Saturday, October 9


Thursday, October 7