Friday, October 15

Remember…different schedule today only.

5:30a, 6:30a, 12p (no 7:30a or AM Open Gym today).

Saturday: Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a

Sunday: XT Strength 9a

Monday Night Skill Session: Clean and Jerk 6:30pm

Wow….so we did our strict pull-up retest on Wednesday. The results are pretty awesome!

Of the 11 athletes (6 female, 5 male) that we had data on from the baseline/Day 1 test to the end-of-program test, 11 of 11 improved. We had some huge improvements in a couple cases, but averaged 3 more strict pull-ups per athlete. This is great data, and while it shows that we worked together to implement and execute a successful program, it also shows the patience and work needed to really develop that type of strength. This was a 2-month program at 2 sessions/week. So, while we will now pivot away from this particular program to focus on other areas, we will continue to work gymnastics strength and conditioning into our programming. We may come back to this focus in the future, as we now know it was really successful! If you want to repeat the program on your own time, you have the programming and experience/knowledge now to do this (or reach out to me, I can send it to you!) Great job, ya’ll, working hard and making this happen! Keep it going…

Introducing “Foundations”:

Also, we’re excited to announce that we’re bringing back a program designed to onboard new athletes, as well as add development options for those with more experience. We’re calling it “Foundations.” We’ve had a large number of new athletes enter our community (awesome!) and we want to make sure we’re preparing everyone for a lifetime of safe, fun, and effective movement. We also want to give those with more experience opportunities to go back and revisit fundamental movement, as we all need to do regularly. Lastly, we want to give those looking for a lower-intensity, higher-teaching-focus CrossFit-type class an option. As of now, we’ll add these to Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm and combine them with our Monday evening skill sessions at 6:30pm. We will start the first week of November. Foundations is designed to run for 8 sessions each month, and will repeat each month. If you know of someone considering us and may be looking for a lower-intensity entry way into our Group Fitness and/or strength classes, please spread the word about Foundations!

September “Committed Club”

  • I figured out how to run a report with total class attendance for a month. I’m interested in really promoting class attendance (not performance) as our primary metric for success here at Pisgah. What matters most, more than programming, PR’s, and free coffee, is just coming and being here. If that happens, you get fitter, and we’re a better, stronger community.

  • So…congrats to these athletes that attended 15 or more classes in September!

Grant Sanford 36

Dr. Hingle McCringleberry 22 (aka Austin)

Jason Hendrix 21

Ann Thomasson 20

Lara Brockwell 20

Meg Libby 20

Josh Federman 19

David Ferrell 17

Jamie Sauer 17

Meghan McAdams 15

Group Fitness Programming:


Snatch Balance

Sotts Press


Squat Snatch 7x2 E2M - Ascending




For time:

Row, 1000/850 m

30 Toes-to-bars (Rx+: 50 TTB)

30 Dumbbell Box Step Overs, 50/35 lbs, 20 in

Note: If you came in and did Thursday’s epic journey, you can come in and stay light and focus on technique on the snatches. If really sore, can do the following instead of the WOD above:

NOT for time:

1000/850m Row

30 Sit-Ups

30 bodyweight step-ups (20 in box)


Saturday, October 16


Thursday, October 14