Friday, November 12
Remember, we have brought our Friday evening Group Fitness class back! They’ll meet at 5:30pm today.
Normal weekend schedule.
Saturday: Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a (w/ Coach Mark. Invite a friend!)
Sunday: XT Strength 9a
Group Fitness
Pronated Grip Hang from Bar x As Many Seconds as Possible
Followed by… Two Sets:
Dragon Flags x 5
Table Turners x 10
Shuttle Runs x 4 cones (1st set forward/backward; 2nd set lateral shuffles)
Followed by… Supinated Grip Hang from Bar x As Many Seconds as Possible
4 Jump-to-Splits, pick load Every 2 mins for 4 mins.
Barbell on your back the whole time, quickly move feet into the split position without any upward drive.
2 Pause Split Jerks, pick load Every 2 mins for 16 mins.
Set 1-2: 70% 1RM Split Jerk
Set 3-4: 75% 1RM Split Jerk
Set 5-6: 80% 1RM Split Jerk
Set 7-8: 85% 1RM Split Jerk
Pause 2 secs in the dip and 2 secs in the receiving position each rep.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
50 Double Unders (50 singles)
12 Toes-to-bars (Hanging Knee Raises)
6 Strict Pull-ups (DB Bent Over Rows)