Monday, July 15
Monday WOD + Programming Update
Hey everyone! Hope you had a great week. I know many of our folks are traveling and busy with summer stuff, but I wanted to send out this update of where we are with programming. As always, please reach out or grab me at the space with any follow-up questions or feedback!
General Programming Info
Most of our programming starts from Pat Sherwood and CF Linchpin. I start with a version of their programming, then tweak it based on what suits our community. Usually, I’m able to test the WOD and strength myself a few weeks before it lands in our classes.
This is standard, old-school CrossFit philosophy and programming, focused on developing general physical performance without a particular strength, cardio, gymnastics, etc. emphasis. Constant variations in movements and metcon structures are the norm, as well as time built in for skill work and practice. There is an emphasis on variance and intensity over volume, which I think fits our crew well.
A couple of weeks back I phased out the “XT” and “Rebuild” terminology, as I found I wanted to add Rebuild segments on days besides Tue and Thur and barbell/XT type sections on days besides Mon/Wed/Fri. Variation becomes limited when we can only do certain things on certain days. Our M/W/F folks would never get exposed to things we were only doing on Tue/Thur, and vice versa.
I love both Rebuild and XT/barbell stuff and want our community to be exposed to, and be better at, both. I just don’t think they have to be so clearly separated from each other moving forward.
Strength B/Accessory
I like having the element of choice for athletes in the classes, and I’ve had more than a few members tell me they appreciate the options. That’s great, but I also think there is much to be said for the class being together and moving through an hour and metcon together. Keeping the class together also pushes folks to do things they may not choose on their own, test their body in different ways, and develop new skills.
I’ve kept the “Strength B” option in for now, but often the movements in those segments mirror what the rest of the class is doing in the metcon. If we have a “For Quality” metcon, I won’t program a second strength. For now, “Strength B” can be done instead of the metcon, just like “XT” and “Rebuild” were.
There is also an “Accessory” section now for athletes who want to do something after the class or get extra work in. These are extra elements anyone can do that are complementary to the day’s programming. 100% optional. It’s not expected that coaches will stick around after the class and coach/supervise athletes during Accessory work. These are just extra options.
Streamlining choices during classes is just designed to get more of us doing the same things, together, as a class and community, sharing adversity and overcoming challenges together. It’s such a key piece of CrossFit and the type of gym community I want to nurture.
I like what we’ve been doing for the past few years. I also really like the more traditional CF model and structures. I think we’re now straddling that line and hopefully holding the best of both. We’re keeping some choices and options, but not having two very separate classes going at the same time. There are also obvious benefits to coaching quality, safety, and class efficiency by keeping folks closer together in programming, especially for the larger classes.
Of course, our classes and workouts remain infinitely scaleable. If a day’s programming doesn’t fit where you are mentally or physically, COME TO CLASS ANYWAY! We’ll design something for you on the spot, but the point is to show up, keep working and progressing, and be a part of community. We’re all better for it when you walk in the door.
Have a great week!
Better Than Yesterday,
Monday Classes
2 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing
2 sets, not for time, of:
30 single-unders or jumping jacks
8 box step-ups and step-downs, you choose the height of the box
5 Shoulder Pass Throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 Band Pull-aparts
5 Scap Pull-ups
5 Kip Swings
5 Hanging knee raises or V-ups
5 Shoulder presses, empty/light bar
5 Push presses, empty/light bar
(NTE 10:00)
Palloff Press 3x30
Athlete Instructions
3 Sets of 12-15 reps per side, you choose the band.
For time: (35:00 cap)
10 Push Press, pick load
10 Box Jumps
10 Toes-to-bar (Hanging Knee Raises/V-Ups)
Run, 300 m (On the 400m “Bridge Run” route, pass the 25mph street sign on the sidewalk, then 2 trees, then turn around. Scale to 200m Stoplight Run or Post Run)
9 Push Press, pick load
9 Box Jumps
9 Toes-to-bars
Run, 300 m
8 Push Press, pick load
8 Box Jumps
8 Toes-to-bars
Run, 300 m
(and so on, down to 1 rep of each)
Athlete Instructions
For time, or not.
Push Press- 50-60%, no rack unless necessary.
Box Jumps- you choose box height.
Strength B (can be done instead of metcon)
x10 DB Thruster @ 20X1
x :45-:60 V-Ups
Accessory (Optional. Can be done in addition to above.)
Standing Dumbbell Arnold Press 4x12
Athlete Instructions
3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.
4 x :45-:60
Cool Down
1-2 minutes
Trap stretch with lacrosse ball
1-2 minutes per side