Tuesday, July 9

Reminder: Come help us wish Coach Jacob well! His last class will be Friday, July 12 at 4:30pm. If you’re able, please come by and hit up that class as an athlete or come toward the end of class for a beer and/or a hug and a proper send off!

To keep up with Jacob and learn more about his new business, he can be reached at 606-340-7852 and on Instagram at www.instagram.com/jacobleederossett/.


2 minutes of rowing, biking or jogging

10 Good Mornings

1 x Burgener Warm Up with empty bar (45/35) (see video below)


2 Rounds, not for time, with an empty barbell, of:

5 deadlifts, starting from mid-shin

5 hang muscle cleans, starting from just above the knees

5 push presses

5 power clean and jerks, starting from mid-shin

(NTE 10:00)


Turkish Get-up 14-14-14

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Rest as needed between sets.

Athlete Instructions

5-7 reps/arm

Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds

Double Unders: 4 x 1 min / 1 min

1 min of work followed by 1 min of rest for 4 intervals.

Score is the lowest reps performed in any of the intervals.

Athlete Instructions

Your score is the lowest number of reps in any minute. (If not proficient with double-unders yet, you can work in the same fashion with single-unders OR, for 4 Rounds, you can do 1:00 of practice followed by 1:00 of rest)


For time:

30 Power Clean & Jerks, 155/105 lbs

Athlete Instructions

For time, or not.

If 155/105 is too heavy, use 60% of 1RM clean & jerk.


Partner Version:

12 rounds for time of:

5 Power Clean & Jerks, 155/105 lbs

Athlete Instructions

Complete in teams of 2. Alternate rounds, 6 each.

For time, or not.

If 155/105 is too heavy, use 60% of 1RM clean & jerk.

Strength B (can be done instead of metcon)

Shoulder Press 12-12-12

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Athlete Instructions

3 Sets of 8-12 reps.

Russian Twists (w/ med ball or kb)

3 x 20-30

Accessory (Optional. Can be done in addition to above.)

Same as Strength B

Cool Down

Hamstring Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Trap stretch with lacrosse ball

1-2 minutes per side


Wednesday, July 10


Monday, July 8 (Announcement!)