Monday, June 10
AMRAP 9’, easy pace
45 seconds of rowing, jogging or biking (increase pace each round)
8 KB russian swings, light load
6 KB bent over rows, L-arm (light load)
6 KB bent over rows, R-arm (light load)
4 burpees (comfortable pace)
Strength A
Landmine Twist 3x12
Side Plank, L 1 mins/R 1 mins
1-2 Rope Climb(s) or Clamp Skill Work
Each for time:
Row: 3x 1000 m
These are max/near max efforts! Rest as needed between efforts. Record each effort on the whiteboard.
Strength B/Accessory
Overhead Squat 3x8-12 (~70% 1RM, ~3 RIR)
GHD Hip Extension 3x8-12
SL KB Deadlift 3x8-12/leg
Cool Down
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.