Friday, January 28
Shoulder Press 3-2-3-6-6-6
Rest as needed between sets.
Set 1: 60-65% 1RM
Set 2: 70-75% 1RM
Set 3: 75-80% 1RM
Set 4: 80+% 1RM
Set 5: 80+% 1RM
Set 6: 80+% 1RM
The goal is to perform sets 4-6 at 4-5% more than you used for last week’s set of 8 reps.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Bench Press and Strict Pull-ups
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps, for time of:
Bench Press, 0.75x bodyweight
Strict Pull-up