Friday, December 17

Just show up…love this excerpt from Outside Magazine:

“Mood Follows Action

For lots of people, the hardest part of any new habit is simply showing up and getting started.

It’s easy to get excited about doing the work. It’s easy to talk about doing the work. It’s easy to dream about doing the work. It’s hard to actually do it. A huge mantra that has helped me in my own fitness pursuits (and pretty much everything else in life, too) is that mood follows action. We think we need to feel great and be motivated to get started, but it’s actually the opposite. Showing up and getting started—even when we don’t feel like it—is what helps build motivation and positive moods.


Lots of my best workouts have been on days when I woke up with zero motivation. But I know myself, and the behavioral science, well enough to know the key is just getting started.”

It’s Friday!



2 Clean & Jerks, pick load Every 2 mins for 24 mins.

Build to 85% 1RM over the course of the first 5-6 sets, and complete the final 6 sets at 85% 1RM.




4 rounds for time of:

Run, 400 m

30 Walking Lunges

20 Sit-ups


Saturday, December 18


Thursday, December 16