Wednesday, December 4
The stronger you get physically, the harder it becomes to settle for anything less than excellence anywhere else.
Ryan Fisch
AMRAP 8’, comfortable pace, of:
40 seconds of biking, jogging or rowing (try to increase pace set after set)
10 m high knees
10 m butt kicks
6 kettlebell russian swings, use a light load
20 seconds of rest
Strength/Skill (Strict Pull-Up Program, Day 2 of 20)
• Active Pull-up Bar Hang, 3 x 30sec
These are “active” bar hangs. Engage your lats by pulling down on the bar. Remember
what the Lat Press Downs felt like on Day 1. You’re doing the same thing here, but
only the first couple of inches. You’re also practicing the same “hollow” position you
performed on Day 1, but this time your doing it while hanging from a bar.
*Go for big sets here. Unbroken if possible.
• Feel Elevated Ring Rows, 4 x 8
4x6-8 reps
The goal here is to pull the rings down to your hips. Much like the lat PRESS downs on
Day 1, think about pressing the rings down rather than pulling yourself up.
Use as little hip momentum as possible. Some momentum is okay here if you can’t get
any movement at all, but initiate with the press down and not the hips.
*The higher the box, the tougher these are.
(After WOD, if time)
50 Burpee over Bar for time (scale to Burpees to plate)
Air Bike Calorie: 6 x 2 mins / 2 mins
2 mins of work followed by 2 mins of rest for 6 intervals.
Score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.
Can sub rower or 6x400 run
Cool Down
Frog Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Calves & Foam Rolling