Monday, December 2
Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.
First Strict Pull-Up Program: We’ve had a couple of members commit to working hard on getting their first strict pull-up. To that end, we’re launching a program, starting today, to work on this goal. I’m building this extra work into the programming and sometimes integrating it into the normal class work. If you want to work on this, you’ll need to find some time, either before or after classes or during open gym time, to get some of this work done. We’ll repeat this program and make it available throughout the year, but if this is a goal of yours, let’s get it. Also, if you’re doing the program, send Ben an email or text me ( - 828-772-7115). I want to know so I can keep up with your progress and help push you toward this goal!
3 minutes of easy rowing, biking or jogging
2 sets, not for time, of:
5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 band pull-aparts
5 scap pull-ups
5 kip swings
5 pull-ups, ring rows, or low-ring muscle-ups
250/200 m row (or same distance if running or 600/400 m air bike), try to slightly increase pace set after set
60 seconds of rest
Rope climb skill (5 min)
Get Your First Strict Pull-Up Program
20 session program.
We’ll do Mon/Wed/Fri (You’ll have two days to get each session’s work in before the next session comes up. If your shoulders feel overworked or overused, take a break or turn down the volume.).
This work is often more than we can fit in the class. If you’re in the program, you’ll need to figure out time to get this work in!
Day 1
Strict Pull-up Test
We need a baseline! Attempt a strict pull-up. Even though you may not be able to
perform one right now, take note of how you look, how it feels, and how close you are
able to get. Log 0 reps to this workout if you can’t get one. We’ll retest at the end of
the program.
Finish today’s session with Skill A, Skill B, and Skill C.
*If possible, record a video of your attempt.
• Hollow Hold, 1 x 60 secs
Accumulate 60 secs.
It’s important you’re pulling from the proper position. That means learning and
strengthening the hollow position. You’ll be playing around with the hollow hold many
times over the course of this program. Point your toes, squeeze your glutes and quads,
and tuck your rib cage down (shoulder blades off of the ground).
*Scale to a tuck hold as needed.
• Banded PVC Lat Press Downs, 3 x 15
You’ll need strong lats in order to perform a strict pull-up, so let’s strengthen them! In
addition to strengthening, these lat press downs will also help you understand how
to activate your lats (which isn’t always obvious or easy to do). Press down fast and
control on the way back up. Your elbows should remain locked out the entire time.
*The thicker the band, the harder these will be.
• Toes Spot Strict Pull-up, 5 x 5
You’ll be doing various forms of strict pull-ups throughout the program. You’ll start with
the toe spotted versions. The box is there to provide as much assistance as you need,
but challenge yourself to use as little as possible.
*Initiate the pull-up with your lats.
• Hollow Hold
• Banded PVC Lat Press Down
• Toe-Spot Strict Pull-up
3 rounds for time of:
Row, 2000 m
4 Rope Climbs, 15 ft (Scale to 12 rope lowers, or 25 pull-ups/ring rows. Pull-Up program folks could insert some of their work here)
Athlete Instructions
Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 2000 m of rowing with 1600m of running, 4800m on the Echo Bike.
Can also mix your cardio each round (for example, run in round 1, row for round 2, bike for round 3)
45:00 cap
Cool Down
Chest & Pec, hands behind
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Hamstring Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.