Saturday, November 16

I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.

Lily Tomlin

Charity Event!

Tuesday night “Turkey Run!” 6:15 PM (A benefit for 12 Baskets Cafe and Asheville Poverty Initiative)

See the flyer and learn more HERE.


2-3 sets, not for time, of:

1 minute of easy rowing, biking or jogging

30 seconds of single-unders or jumping jacks

5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)

5 band pull-aparts

5 scap pull-ups

5 kip swings

5-7 pull-ups, ring rows, or low-ring muscle-ups

5-7 glute bridges

5-7 deadlifts, empty barbell

5-7 knee push-ups or regular push-ups



For quality:

500 Jump Ropes

150 Push-ups

100 Deadlifts, 35% 1RM

50 Strict Chin-ups (pull-ups, kipping, bent over rows, ring rows, banded, jumping)

Athlete Instructions

Jump Ropes- any style.


For quality:

750 Jump Ropes

200 Push-ups

1500 Deadlifts, 35% 1RM

75 Strict Chin-ups (pull-ups, kipping, bent over rows, ring rows, banded, jumping)

Athlete Instructions

Complete in teams of 2.

Only 1 person working at a time.

Cool Down

Hamstring Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Pec stretch, laying on side.

1-2 minutes per side.


Monday, November 18


Friday, November 15