Monday, September 9
3 Rounds, not for time, of:
1 minute of easy jogging, biking or rowing
10 m high knees
10 m butt kicks
20 seconds of lateral banded steps
20 seconds of PVC pass-throughs (use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
10-20 seconds of hanging from pull-up bar
(NTE 10:00)
Superset the following:
3 rounds for quality of:
Front Rack Carry, pick load, 100 ft
Athlete Instructions
3 carries with a heavy load.
(Increase distance as needed if the load is too light.)
Movement Demos
For quality:
L-Sit Hold, 2 mins
Athlete Instructions
Accumulate 1-2 minutes.
Watch the video for variations and scaling options.
Movement Demos
Run: 1-mile time trial
Rest 1 min, then:
Farmer Carry, 53/35 lbs, 800 m (Db/Kb in each hand)
Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)
Russian Kettlebell Swings x 20
Farmer Carry x 200m
Cool Down
Straddle Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Calves & Foam Rolling