Monday, September 2
“We draw our strength from the very despair in which we have been forced to live. We shall endure.”
- Cesar Chavez
The WOD below was written in honor of Labor Day, and all of our workers. The rep scheme is designed in remembrance of those who died in the West Virginia Mine Wars of 1919-1921.
3-person teams:
Athlete “A” will work on:
1 Odd Object Post Run + 1 Building Lap Farmer Carry (Double KB/DB Suitcase Carry)
“Athlete B” will work on the following AMRAP:
19 Burpee to Plate
19 Russian KB Swing
19 DB Box Step Over
21 Plate Ground to Overheads
“Athlete C” will be resting.
When the “A” completes the farmers carry, they will move to the AMRAP work and pick up where “B” left off. “B” moves to rest. “C” begins the post run + farmers carry. Team members will rotate in that manner for the rest of the workout.