Open Gym and Drop-Ins
Pisgah Fitness is excited to offer 24/7 gym access for our open gym and drop-In athletes!
This offering is available to any athlete during any time a class is not in session. See our “Schedule” page for available times.
I’m a visitor from out-of-town and want to drop in. What do I do?
Welcome to Asheville! We’re excited to have you. Follow the steps below, and you’ll be good to go.
Go to our “Schedule” page. Select the open gym time you will be coming in.
Complete the “Been Here Before?” or “New Here"?” sign in process. Make sure you complete the waiver. This is mandatory.
Choose the “Drop In ($20.00)” register button and complete payment.
If you come to the space as a class is wrapping up, you can stop here. A coach will be on-site and you will have access to the gym. If you will be coming 15 min or more after a class ends, please follow the steps below to access the space (we don’t staff the gym with coaches during open gym time).
Download the C3 Smart app. This will allow you to access our space through our electronic front door access system. After you have registered, please text Ben at 828-772-7115 and let us know you have completed the process. Please include the email address you used to register in the text. We will then add you to the app and you’ll have access!
When you get to the space…bring your phone and open the app.
Check notifications in the C3 Smart app, read it, accept the new key to the “Front” lock.
From thereafter, tap “Front” on your list of locks to open the door!
Lastly, read this OPEN GYM EXPECTATIONS document (also listed below). Call or text us with any questions! 828-772-7115.
I am interested in purchasing an Open Gym membership. What does it come with and how do I do that?
Awesome! Open Gym memberships are great for folks with varying schedules or that prefer to work out on their own or at their own pace. These memberships come with unlimited access to our space and equipment during non-class times.
Go to our “Schedule” page. Select the initial open gym time you will be coming in.
Complete the “Been Here Before?” or “New Here"?” sign in process. Make sure you complete the waiver. This is mandatory.
Choose the “Open Gym ($70.00)” membership register button and complete payment.
When that’s done, you can download the C3 Smart app. This will allow you to access our space through our electronic front door access system. After you have registered, please text us at 828-772-7115 and let us know you have completed the process. Please include the email address you used to register in the text. We will then add you to the app and you’ll have access!
When you get to the space…bring your phone and open the app.
Check notifications in the C3 Smart app, read it, accept the new key to the “Front” lock.
From thereafter, tap “Front” on your list of locks to open the door!
Lastly, read this OPEN GYM EXPECTATIONS document (also listed below). Call or text us with any questions! 828-772-7115.
Memberships are month-to-month. We do not use contracts, but we will autodraft your membership each month unless we hear from you.
What are the guidelines and expectations of using the space?
Drop-In and Open Gym Guide
Please sign-in on the ipad. Make sure to complete the waiver. Nobody is allowed to be in the space without a waiver.
To open garage doors, use the key on the wall next to door closest to the ipad cabinet (please shut and lock them when leaving).
The heater is located along the wall near the rear exit door. Move both top and bottom levers to “on” and wait a few minutes for it to kick on (please turn off before leaving).
Rags and disinfectant spray are found under the whiteboard. Thank you for wiping down bars and equipment after use.
Fee free to use the mop (near rowers) and/or blower (wallball shelves) to clean up any spills or messes.
First aid kit and rubber gloves are located on the bottom shelf of the ipad cabinet. The AED is attached to the cabinet as well. Our Emergency Action Plans are also below the AED.
The timer remote is kept near the ipad.
Feel free to play any music you’d like on the ipad (we ask if you are sharing the space to keep volume levels and content appropriate).
Have fun and be safe! If you have any questions or issues, call/text Ben at 828-772-7115.
Lastly, please know security cameras are always filming. Thanks for treating our space with respect! We’re excited to have you at Pisgah.